Saturday, September 5, 2015

Top 10 of online Medical courses

There has been a tremendous advancement in medical technology over the last 3 decades. The ever-growing number of therapies almost stumps a medical connoisseur. This also means that would-be doctors now have to learn how to think out-of-the-box.
The advent of Internet
Thanks to the wonderful world and the advent of Internet, gaining knowledge has become rather convenient. Now, practicing doctors or those grossly interested in medical on-going can take recourse to online courses. Short of actually performing the surgery, you can commit everything else here.
Now, the online courses clearly come in two categories; paid and free. The paid ones are obviously more graded and you can feel the sense of responsibility on the shoulders of the mentors. They have got to dispense with useful attributes; after all, they are getting paid for it.
The innate urge
However, as the chip goes, there is an innate urge to look for freebies no matter which sector Man jumps into. The urge is no different in online circuits. Therefore, the popularity of free medical online courses is always on an upsurge.
Here is dissecting the best 10 current medical online courses, which are relevant to the modern times and reflect upon the psyche and present lifestyle in a resounding manner. Let’s take a ponderous look –

     1. FutureLearn If you are earnest about medical online courses, you can hardly ignore FutureLearn. It liaises with several UK universities of repute. It keeps dishing out medical courses and other regimes with glorious regularity. It takes a vantage position owing to 40 years of experience.

The free courses come in the 3 hours per week format and are completed within 6 weeks. You also get certificates if you pass the test. FutureLearn is privately owned by Open University. Currently, one of the major courses begins on 24th August – The Science of Medicines through Monash University.

Now, this course raises you almost from scratch. You absorb how medicines are conjured out of clinical formulations. You understand how different brands with specific medicinal names are actually decorations of a generic formula.

You also imbibe how tremendous research goes into analyzing different diseases and eventually, the medicines are cultivated from that research. Through the course, you learn how effective certain medicines are and what side effects they may lead to. Funnily, the more side-effect a medicine has; the greater impact it has on a disease, albeit on a temporary basis. This is a directive principle in the world of medicines.

Of course, this science keeps raising the bar with inveterate technologies and continual researches. Just as new diseases keep getting discovered, the medicines for them keep getting conjured. These medicines are then checked for general effect; rooting out the exceptions (there are bound to be a few ugly ducklings after all). It is an emergent course which has to be pursued with complete attention and diligence.

     2. Coursera Coursera is an education platform gelling with brilliant universities and offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to interested students. It delves into different disciplines. If you skirt the medical line, you will have great options to score here.

One of the significant courses slated to begin here is Diabetes – A Global Challenge to be initiated by University of Copenhagen on 1st September 2015. The course will run for 3-5 hours per week and will be completed in 6 weeks. Certificates are due if you show earnestness.

Interestingly, even as researchers have found out everything there is to diabetes, they have not come out with a precise treatment as of yet.

You may find different therapies according specialized treatments and actually showing tremendous results on some people, but the very therapy goes bust with others. Yes, there are preventions galore; particularly in keeping the sugar level and cholesterol under control. These precautions however lose their zing in due time as most people find that despite precautions, they keep going into a deeper rut.

Presently, insulin dosage and injections act as the sole solace. Yes, you can have broccoli and yam to beat the heat or sugar of you will. Question is – Can patients affirmatively get out of the screws?

Even the healthcare centers get goose bumps when a rich diabetic patient enters their shores. They know the patient won’t budge till he is completely cured and also that there is no complete cure for the disease. The course will enlighten you on other important notes.

     3. EdX At EdX, you know you can interact with others and enjoy the advantage of MOOCs. It arranges free online courses from accredited universities; such as Harvard and Colgate. Being a non-profit initiative, it is taken in good esteem by methodical students.

Currently, one of the major online courses set to reveal on 26th August 2015 is PSYCRx: Medicating for Mental Health: Judicious Use of Psychiatric Drugs through Colgate University. It will run for 4 weeks and students will get 3-6 hours of information per week.

Here students will learn the actual impact of medicines and will understand the psychiatric impulses emerging out of the medicines. They will get on the same page with psychologists and decipher why certain medicines are prescribed for patients undergoing particular mental problems.

This will strengthen their roots and they will learn not to mess up medicines and in effect, imperil patients.  This online course will especially be beneficial when a family member is grasped by a psychic condition. They will learn about the brain; its signals and symptoms on getting conditioned by psychiatric drugs.

    4. Canvas.netWith, is a platform raised by Instructure where students can interact with luminaries of different fields. There are adept men galore if you wish to trace the medical fields. This is again a free enterprise.

One of the smart courses coming up is Health and Wellness 101: Everyday Small Changes. It will be on the shelves on 14th September 2015. The course would be 10 weeks long with a defined syllabus for each week.

It will teach the students the simple facets; how to gain wellness by tweaking small measures correctly. Proper nutrition, sleep and stress managements are keys, ably supported by exercise and activity.

The first 5 weeks will delve into the impact and prowess of nutrition and perfect health planning. From there on, everything opens up like a leaf. A fit body courses easily towards relief of stress and is more amenable to proper sleep.

   5. UniversitePlus At UniversitePlus, students from the English community will gain enormous grounds. However, technically,, its MOOCs are meant to enlighten Turkish and other Middle East students. The medical courses on the line are inspired and acute.

One of its inquisitive medical courses is the Vinyasa Yoga. It is a self-paced course, keeping into consideration the fact that people do Yoga according to their set schedules and convenience. Yoga is an oriental inclination, which has emerged out of India and has gradually become a global toast.

It ensures perfect health of the practitioners. It regulates blood flow and lowers cholesterol levels. Most importantly, it gives the practitioner an acute control over the thought process. Through the breathing practices, you learn to remain calm and composed even during stressful circumstances. 

This course captures the essence of Vinyasa Yoga quite meticulously. You can easily get the English-translated renditions if you desire.

     6. EdCast At EdCast, you get a teeming sea of educational network, what with credible resources, reference materials and interactive sessions between instructors and students. Its Knowledge Cloud is all-encompassing and brings different subjects under the radar. Medical online courses are one of the keys to its success. It is a non-profit initiative.

One of its successful courses is self-paced, and is called Basic Food Safety through Michigan State University. The course sheds light on the vitiation of food due to commercialization and constriction of time. The popularization of fast food and processed food is a huge curse and is severely detrimental to human health.

However, since the food stuff tastes good and can be easily prepared or enjoyed, people on the run prefer this variety, ignoring its ills. The course suggests the pivotal problems that you may face if you don’t stick by the codes of safe food. 

It also teaches you to conjure safe and healthy food in quick time, so you can dissuade yourself from unhealthy food. Many ingredients utilized in junk and processed food are carcinogenic; meaning you are giving a straight invitation to Cancer. This cannot be good news, just as the world has begun to get health-conscious and fitness-conscious.

    7. Open2Study Australian Open University runs classy initiatives to impart education on students through online ventures. The free enterprise Open2Study is a quest in that direction. It keeps enlightening you through collaboration with different universities on various subjects including medical courses.

One of the impacting courses running since 3rd August and slated for 4 weeks is Understanding Common Diseases. This is brought to the fore through University of Wollongong. It is amazing how we all know about common diseases and yet as we go deep, we find that we know so little about them.
This course dissects some of the commonest diseases such as common cold, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. You understand the inherent system of the body – The behavioral patterns of the different systems in the body and their inter-relation; maintenance of correct pulse and blood pressure; ensuring hormonal balance et al.

You gain an innate knowledge about the immune system of the body and how you should read the symptoms of different diseases. This automatically culminates into the stylized treatments for the maladies.

If you go through the course, you can aspire to be a health promoter, a qualified nurse or even a doctor. Of course, you will need to enroll in physical courses for them but your base will be stronger.

      8. NovoEd NovoEd is a social media experience where the benefactors have culled out this platform to bring out same-minded fellows up for some experiential learning experiences. It gets the nod from graded universities, and many courses are run through the Universities. The emphasis is ever on reeling world problems of the day.

One of the significant upcoming medical courses of the day is Hippocrates Challenge, to be brought forth by Stanford University. The model of the course is about putting you as a doctor in a crisis situation. You have to get out the rut through your innate understanding of the profession.

You gain vital knowledge about the human body and how they respond to diseases, trauma and other acute problems.  Your core is strengthened in the context of regenerative science.

The model is actually about a ship in 2032 where you are thrust with a massive responsibility; to cure a glut of people so that they can safeguard the ship with full vigor. You will need to have your wits up your sleeve.

Through interactions with experts, you learn quick ways to make repairs. You also learn a lot about surgical procedures on this course. In this sense, it is extremely educative. The course is one of the few online practical processes.

     9. Stanford OpenEdxThe Stanford University is ever attempting to traverse new bridges. Their Vice provost and connected engineering team are trying hard to bring forward unique online platforms to bring more students under the ambit. Stanford OpenEdx is a step towards that.
Students are offered free online courses in different disciplines, including the medical line. One of the practical and incursive courses is Women’s Health: International Women’s Health and Human Rights. It began on 30th July 2015 and the course is 8 week long. It is poised for a rerun as it has garnered enough positive reviews.

The course is an eye-opener towards the discrimination that the modern women face at various levels. The fact that female feticide is still in business and many people prefer sons to daughter is harrowing, to say the least.

It is amusing how women are blamed for bearing daughters, when it is male chromosomes that result in the creation of male or female embryo. They also suffer dichotomy in offices; not only at home.

This course brings students on the platter and exhorts them to find more about the economic, political and social freedom of women. Students are requested to gain a deeper understanding by interacting with families and neighboring societies. They are also expected to bring a change in their small capacities, leading to an unequivocal equal status of women in the world.

     10. has arrived as a brilliant initiative to learn about diverse things. Different subjects are categorically picked and dissected with method and precision. You also get your pick of medical courses. Quite a few of the site’s medical courses are free.

One of the fetching courses that it presents is Health 102: Substance Abuse. It connects with fashionable and credible universities for most of its courses. This course is about the various elements that become the root cause of substance abuse.  Tobacco, alcohol and common drugs make up the plinth.

You are also enlightened about hallucinogens and anti-depressants. You learn how certain drugs bring chiasmic relief to you and you fall into its habit, thus losing torque in the long run. The course makes an acute classification of drugs and inhaled substances; with cocaine and marijuana decorating the lists.

You learn about the regulations in place as also the directive principles of Pharmacology. You gain information about various stimulants and cannabinoids. In this regard, it is a highly stylized course with unique interventions. You get to tread waters you have hardly been into and understand the precept from inside.

Some of these drugs lead to anxiety and hypnosis. Your eventual aim is to make people aware about the effects and thus wean them off the destructive habit.

Not driven by profits
All the mentioned online courses are free and emerge from platforms which are mostly there to enlighten students with no profit initiative whatsoever. Their courses are either self-paced or run from 4 to 6 weeks, with cursory exceptions here and there.
The medical field is extremely subjective and takes into account the psychic and physical modes with equal gravity. The human body is itself so complex that you may be at a loss without graded courses shedding light on particulars.
Thanks to free enterprises, students can look forward to enlightening times without much fuss. What more, they also get certificates if they manage to absorb the courses with prescience.

In conclusion
There is a feeling that when the courses charge you, they naturally attain responsibility to endow you with knowledge. This is a myth. Knowledge, in itself, is not bound by any parameters. Thanks to a few helpful Universities and excellently devised platforms, you can utilize the free medical courses online at your convenience.
If you go through the courses, you will find that together, they map wholesome nuances of the medical field. You gain a foothold and can grow from thee to become a doctor, a nutritionist or a nurse as you desire. Discipline is the key.

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